Spider-Man: Homecoming
In the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War (2016), Peter Parker, a fifteen-year-old sophomore and Tony Stark's protégé, finds himself back in Queens, New York, trying to juggle high school and his super-hero alter-ego. As Peter is on pins and needles waiting for his mentor to give him a chance to prove his mettle and become an official Avenger, Stark chooses to keep Peter on a short leash instead, fearful that the boy may bite off more than he can chew. And then, the Vulture, a winged super-criminal brandishing advanced Chitauri weaponry, emerges. Of course, Parker sees his arrival as a golden opportunity to demonstrate that he has what it takes to be part of the Earth's mightiest team of super-heroes. But is Spider-Man ready to be more than the neighbourhood's friendly, web-slinging defender? less
- Country: United States
- Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
- Release: 2017-06-28
- Director: Jon Watts
- Production: Columbia Pictures, Marvel Studios, LStar Capital
- Cast: Michael Keaton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, Bokeem Woodbine, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Favreau, Donald Glover, Robert Downey Jr, Logan Marshall Green, Hannibal Buress, Michael Mando, Kenneth Choi, Gary Weeks, Martin Starr, Tunde Adebimpe, Michael Chernus, Abraham less
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